
Improving Your Oral Health with Dental Implants in Mississauga: Preventing FurtherTooth Loss and Facial Collapse

Mississauga general dentist

Missing teeth impact not only your appearance but your oral health. If you have missing teeth, you can look older than your age. Also, they increase your risk of bone loss, tooth decay, facial collapse, and other oral health problems. Because of this, you should schedule an appointment with a Mississauga general dentist to discuss your treatment options. One of these options is dental implants. Implants can improve your oral and overall health in many ways such as the following:

Protect You Against Serious Health Conditions

Your oral health is connected with your overall health. By getting dental implants to replace missing teeth, you invest in your health by avoiding dementia, heart disease, and other chronic health issues. Because implants prevent gum disease, you avoid the spread of an infection that originates from your gums or mouth through your body.

Improve Your Gum Health

Gum disease results in loose or missing teeth. Indeed, a history of this condition puts you at risk of recurrence. Thus, if you lose teeth because of periodontal disease, dental implants may be needed to replace them. Implants protect your jawbone and gums from collecting bacteria and debris, which cause gum disease. 

Improve Nutrition

Consuming the food that you love should not be painful. So, if you experience discomfort or pain when eating, schedule an appointment with your dentist. Following tooth loss, you may need to consume soft foods. Limiting your diet to avoid the pain means not getting the nutrients that your body needs. 

Your teeth, jawbone, and gums are part of a bigger system. If you cannot consume a balanced meal, your bones can suffer. Also, you can be at risk of jawbone deterioration and tooth decay. 

Prevent Future Tooth Loss

The roots and surrounding teeth hole your teeth in place. So, when you lose a tooth, you increase your risk of losing more teeth. To stop tooth loss from happening, ask your dentist if you can get dental implants. These implants support nearby teeth, preventing further tooth loss. If the rest of your teeth have something to lean on, they may not become loose or fall out. 

Minimize Your Risk of Dental Cavities

If you have missing teeth, you are at risk of cavities. Brushing and flossing your teeth can be hard if they are leaning toward the gap or empty socket. Remember also that food particles, plaque, and bacteria can be trapped in empty sockets. 

The majority of oral health problems result from untreated plaque. To maintain good oral health, practice good oral hygiene and replace missing teeth. 

Stop Jawbone Loss

Dental implants serve as natural teeth roots that stimulate jawbone tissue. These roots give the jawbone some pressure or stimulation to keep it healthy. Otherwise, the jawbone will begin deteriorating and could result in facial collapse. 

A lot of those who get dentures experience jaw shrinkage, which changes their facial shape and overall look. The sooner you discuss the possibility of getting implants with your dentist the sooner you can protect your oral health. 

Leverage Comfort and Stability

Dental implants offer stability that dentures and other tooth replacement options do not. Removable dentures shift or slip, but dental implants are anchored into the jawbone. In turn, they can feel and function like natural teeth roots. Such stability lets you speak, eat, and smile with the utmost confidence. 

Dental implants do not only restore your smile but also transform it. If you have missing teeth, you probably feel self-conscious about your look. Implants can improve your smile and the function of your mouth. Whether it’s speaking before an audience, smiling for photos, or laughing with friends, dental implants provide you with the freedom to display your beautiful and natural-looking smile. 

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